Interesting ForestTech Startups Transforming Forestry Worldwide

In the realm of forestry, innovation is not just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. As the global focus shifts towards sustainable management and conservation of forest resources, technology startups worldwide are stepping up to the challenge. These trailblazers are harnessing the power of technology to revolutionize the forestry sector, ensuring sustainability, efficiency, and compliance with legal standards. Let’s embark on a journey to explore ten remarkable ForestTech startups from around the globe, each contributing uniquely to this vital industry.




At the forefront of this technological revolution in forestry is Timbeter, a pioneering Estonian startup that is reshaping the way we think about timber measurement and data management. Founded in 2013 by Anna-Greta Tsahkna, Martin Kambla, and Vallo Visnapuu, Timbeter is on a mission to make forestry more sustainable, one log at a time. With its innovative smartphone application, the company utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning to enable quick and accurate timber measurement. This not only streamlines the measurement process but also significantly enhances the efficiency of forestry operations. Timbeter is committed to optimizing the forestry sector by securing legal trade and eradicating illegal logging. By facilitating seamless digital data exchange between the government and companies, Timbeter ensures that sustainable forest management practices are easier to implement and monitor, thereby combating illegal logging activities. Based in Tallinn, Estonia, this startup is a testament to how technology can be leveraged to foster a more sustainable and responsible forestry industry. Discover more about their groundbreaking work at Timbeter’s website.

Dendra Systems 

United Kingdom 

Crossing over to the United Kingdom, we encounter Dendra Systems, an innovative force with a grand vision for our planet’s future. Formerly known as BioCarbon Engineering, this UK-based startup is harnessing the synergy of artificial intelligence and drone technology with a noble aim: to plant trees and, ultimately, benefit the environment. Dendra Systems is on a quest to “re-green” our planet and restore ecosystems to their former glory, employing a combination of automation and digital intelligence to make this vision a reality.

Boasting a method that is 150 times faster than traditional planting techniques, Dendra Systems introduces an unparalleled efficiency to reforestation efforts. Their approach involves using drones to fire seeds, encapsulated in biodegradable pods, directly into the soil. This innovative method not only promises to significantly accelerate the reforestation process but also enables access to areas that are typically challenging to reach. Founded in 2014 by a dedicated team of engineers, plant scientists, and drone experts, Dendra Systems is driven by the ambition to leave the Earth in a better state than they found it. With the capability to plant up to 10 billion trees each year, Dendra’s technology presents a formidable solution to global deforestation challenges. The company’s groundbreaking work has not gone unnoticed, earning it global recognition and a feature by the World Economic Forum. Discover how Dendra Systems is revolutionizing reforestation at Dendra’s website.




Hailing from the USA, Overstory is redefining vegetation management for utilities through the use of machine learning and remote sensing technology. This innovative startup optimizes vegetation management to reduce costs and enhance reliability for utility networks. By analyzing data across transmission and distribution corridors, Overstory identifies critical areas for pruning, directly impacting key metrics like outages, SAIDI, SAIFI, and O&M budgets.

Customization is at the heart of Overstory’s approach, tailoring strategies to meet utilities’ specific goals, such as reducing fire risk or improving reliability metrics. Its network-wide analysis pinpoints hazard trees and potential risks, ensuring that maintenance efforts are focused where they are most needed. This strategic approach not only streamlines operations but also significantly increases ROI by prioritizing high-impact, low-cost interventions.

Overstory’s solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing utility processes, facilitating an easy transition to more efficient vegetation management practices. The company also offers tools for auditing completed work, ensuring that maintenance is effective and directing crews accurately for any necessary follow-up. By providing insights into future trimming needs, Overstory helps utilities get competitive bids and manage their vegetation management budgets more effectively.

Discover how Overstory is transforming vegetation management for utilities at Overstory’s homepage


Seed Alive 


From Germany, Seed Alive introduces an innovative approach to agriculture and forestry through its groundbreaking seed germination prediction technology. This startup has pioneered a simple, non-destructive, and rapid method that accurately determines and predicts the germination capacity of plant seeds. By incubating individual seeds in a specially formulated reaction solution for just four hours, Seed Alive leverages artificial intelligence to assess whether seeds are vital, aging, or already dead.

What sets Seed Alive apart is its ability to not only determine the current viability of seeds but also predict their aging process and the potential vigor of the seedlings. This fast and reliable method delivers results in just a few hours, making it a game-changer for farmers, foresters, and researchers alike. After testing, the seeds can be washed, dried, and stored again without harm, ensuring that the evaluation process is entirely benign to both the seeds and the users.

This efficient and reproducible method revolutionizes how seed viability is assessed, offering a valuable tool for optimizing planting strategies and improving crop yields. Seed Alive’s technology promises to enhance the sustainability and efficiency of agricultural and forestry practices, contributing to more productive and environmentally friendly outcomes.

While this idea may not hold significant practical value currently, it undoubtedly represents an intriguing concept worth exploring in the future.

Discover the future of seed germination testing and its potential to transform the agriculture and forestry sectors at Seed Alive’s website.  


Cambium Carbon


In the United States, Cambium Carbon emerges as a transformative force in the forestry and wood product sectors, championing the creation of local, regenerative wood supply chains. This innovative startup is on a mission to redefine the lifecycle of urban trees, turning fallen timber into valuable wood products while simultaneously generating revenues that support tree canopy regeneration. At the heart of Cambium Carbon’s operations is the commitment to sustainability and circular economy principles, ensuring that no resource goes to waste.

The cornerstone of Cambium Carbon’s approach is its proprietary Supply Chain Operating System, powered by the Traece® app. This platform revolutionizes the way the lumber supply chain operates, from the rescue of fallen trees to their revival as Carbon Smart Wood™ products. Through Traece®, sawmills and other stakeholders in the supply chain can seamlessly manage, track, and ensure the transparency and traceability of their products. This technology not only fosters efficiency but also promotes the ethical and sustainable manufacturing, purchasing, and selling of wood, aligning with the growing demand for environmentally responsible materials.

By leveraging cutting-edge technology to build and manage a sustainable wood supply chain, Cambium Carbon is not just creating value from fallen urban trees but is also contributing to the regeneration of urban forests. This model not only benefits the environment by reducing waste and promoting tree planting but also supports local economies by creating new revenue streams and opportunities in the green economy.

To learn more about how Cambium Carbon is innovating in the wood product industry and contributing to urban reforestation, visit Cambium Carbon’s homepage.




Portugal’s Tesselo is making significant strides in the fight against natural disasters, such as forest fires, through an innovative blend of satellite imagery and artificial intelligence. Based in Lisbon and founded in 2017, Tesselo is driven by a team of sustainability-minded professionals committed to preserving forest areas and enhancing environmental stewardship on a global scale. Their technology represents a quantum leap in environmental monitoring, enabling actions that were previously unimaginable in terms of scale and precision.

Tesselo’s advanced AI algorithms are capable of performing a variety of crucial tasks, including classifying tree species, measuring and predicting forest growth, monitoring crop health, detecting pest invasions, and estimating the risk or impact of forest fires. This comprehensive approach to environmental monitoring not only aids in the preservation of forests but also plays a critical role in mitigating the effects of natural disasters.

One of the standout features of Tesselo’s technology is its ability to provide near real-time, country-scale mapping solutions. This capability ensures that forest managers, policymakers, and environmentalists have access to accurate and up-to-date information, empowering them to make informed decisions that benefit the environment. By offering tools that can predict forest growth, monitor plantation harvests, and estimate the risk of forest fires, Tesselo is at the forefront of environmental preservation and disaster prevention.

Preserving and developing forest areas is crucial for ensuring a sustainable future, and Tesselo’s commitment to this cause is evident in their innovative solutions. To explore how Tesselo is leveraging technology to protect and enhance our natural world, visit Tesselo’s website


Mast Reforestation


Mast Reforestation stands out in the USA for its unique approach to reforestation, integrating a portfolio of trusted companies under its banner to offer a comprehensive solution to forest regeneration. This innovative model includes Silvaseed, a 130-year-old nursery and the largest seed supplier in the Western U.S.; Cal Forest Nurseries, responsible for supplying the majority of trees for California’s reforestation efforts; and DroneSeed, which provides cutting-edge aerial seeding services and represents the roots from which Mast grew.

Mast’s strategy is comprehensive, beginning with the utilization of satellite technology to map out land and create a reforestation plan that is meticulously tailored to the specific site and the owner’s objectives. This initial planning phase is followed by meticulous site preparation and the cultivation of seedlings at their nurseries, ensuring each plant’s future success.

The planting process is equally detailed, involving the coordination of custom-tailored seedling prescriptions for each site and ongoing monitoring to guarantee establishment and growth. What sets Mast Reforestation apart is its commitment to covering 100% of the reforestation costs, a model that not only supports landowners and the environment but also generates a cash return through the sale of carbon removal credits.

This no-cost reforestation solution underscores Mast’s dedication to environmental sustainability and its innovative approach to combating climate change. By leveraging the strengths of its portfolio companies, Mast Reforestation is making significant strides in restoring forests and contributing to a healthier planet.

For more information on how Mast Reforestation is revolutionizing the field of reforestation and contributing to global forest recovery efforts, visit Mast Reforestation’s website


Kodama Systems


Kodama Systems, based in the USA, is at the cutting edge of forestry management with its development of AI and robotics-based solutions aimed at addressing the critical climate challenge posed by wildfires and their resultant carbon emissions. This innovative startup is on a mission to transform the forestry supply chain into a mechanism for carbon storage and significantly reduce the risk of forest fires through advanced technological interventions.

Kodama Systems has pioneered forest robotics systems designed for heavy equipment, creating a suite of forest management solutions that enhance the safety and productivity of remote operations. By automating machinery, implementing teleoperations, and improving remote-site connectivity, Kodama Systems ensures operations are completed more efficiently and that job sites become safer for ground personnel.

Kodama Systems is redefining forest management by leveraging technology to improve operational efficiencies, enhance worker safety, and contribute to environmental sustainability. Their work is a testament to the potential of technology to mitigate some of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, including wildfire risk and carbon emissions.

For further insights into how Kodama Systems is innovating in the field of forestry management and contributing to the fight against climate change, visit Kodama’s website.




From Australia, AirSeed Technologies emerges as a pioneering force in combating climate change and biodiversity loss. Partnering with governments, corporations, and NGOs, AirSeed leverages advanced drone technology, artificial intelligence, and proprietary seed pod biotechnology to enact large-scale environmental restoration. Their mission: to significantly enhance carbon sequestration through global reforestation efforts.

AirSeed’s process is marked by innovation and scalability. They offer a reforestation and revegetation solution that is not only faster but also more cost-effective than traditional manual planting methods. The foundation of their approach begins with detailed mapping and ground truthing. Experts meticulously survey each planting site, collecting imagery and identifying local plant species to tailor their restoration activities precisely.

The heart of AirSeed’s technology lies in their proprietary seed pods, manufactured on-site with a mobile plant. These pods, designed to deliver all necessary nutrients, minerals, and microbes, ensure young plants thrive from the outset. This method significantly increases the success rates of planting initiatives, fostering rapid and healthy growth.

Planning and planting are executed with precision, utilizing AI and drones to plant seed pods at a rate 25 times faster than manual techniques. AirSeed’s drones autonomously navigate pre-determined flight paths, dispersing up to 40,000 seed pods daily across diverse landscapes, capable of planting up to 16 different species simultaneously.

The post-planting phase involves rigorous monitoring to ensure the success of the restoration projects. Teams conduct ecological surveys and use aerial imagery to track growth, identify threats, and implement protective measures, ensuring the ongoing success of their environmental contributions.

AirSeed Technologies stands at the forefront of environmental restoration, offering a beacon of hope for the future of our planet. Discover more about their innovative approach to reforestation and how you can join their mission at AirSeed’s website.



Treeswift, a pioneering US-based startup, is transforming forest management by providing high-quality, actionable data for every tree. By surpassing the capabilities of traditional forest data collection methods, Treeswift equips foresters with advanced tools to gather comprehensive forest data on a large scale. This initiative is a collaborative effort, developed with direct input from foresters working alongside Treeswift’s engineering and design team, ensuring the technology is perfectly tailored to the industry’s needs.

The heart of Treeswift’s innovation lies in its unique approach to forest measurement. Utilizing drones and backpack-mounted sensor suites, Treeswift’s technology cruises beneath the forest canopy, capturing detailed, tree-level data on carbon and timber. This data is then processed through advanced algorithms to produce precise forest inventories.

Treeswift’s analytical prowess delivers per-tree metrics, including diameter, height, quality, merchantable products, species, stem defects, and geospatial information. These metrics are distilled into a comprehensive operational carbon or timber inventory database, providing foresters with a granular understanding of the forest’s composition and value.

For more information on how Treeswift is revolutionizing forest management with data-driven insights, visit Treeswift’s homepage


The landscape of forest technology is witnessing an unprecedented transformation, driven by the ingenuity and ambition of startups around the globe. From the precision of AI and drone-based reforestation efforts to the innovative approaches in monitoring and managing forest health, these companies are not only addressing the urgent challenges faced by the forestry sector but are also paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient future. Each startup, with its unique solution, contributes to a collective effort that promises to revolutionize forest management, conservation, and regeneration practices. By harnessing the power of technology, they offer hope for mitigating climate change, enhancing biodiversity, and ensuring the sustainability of our planet’s precious forest resources. As these ForestTech pioneers continue to evolve and expand their impact, they stand as beacons of innovation, demonstrating the critical role of technology in securing a healthier, more resilient natural world for future generations.